Digital riding

Passionate about the world of motorcycles, we develop digital projects related to this passion: online stores, comparison websites, newsletters, thematic blogs.

What We Do

Bon Plan Moto

Bon Plan Moto is a French-speaking website that promotes the purchase of second-hand motorcycle equipment. We select the best offers currently on sale in second hand. As much for the condition and the price of the product as for the security of the transaction, we do our best to reference the safe and attractive offers for a successful purchase.

Cool Bike Bags

Cool Bike Bags is a website that references all manufacturers of motorcycle luggage. It features a search engine that allows you to find all the luggage adapted to the style and model of your bike.

The Team

Active in a motorcycle club with only 3 members, the Eagles of the Square are involved to varying degrees in this project. But one thing is certain, they are not done riding together.

Contact Us

A business idea to share? A partnership to discuss? Want to talk about bikes? Drop us a line!

vroom AT